Green Care is an evidence-based approach that uses nature and the outdoors as a means to enhance physical, mental, and emotional well-being.
A learning disability is a neurological condition that affects a person’s ability to process, understand, or retain information, which can make it challenging for them to learn new things or perform certain tasks.
Adult social care provides support to adults with learning disabilities, physical disabilities or illnesses, and mental health problems. These services help individuals with daily activities such as washing and dressing, enhance their quality of life, and ensure their safety and well-being.
Supported living is a flexible and empowering approach to enable individuals with learning disabilities, autism, or other support needs to live as independently as possible while receiving the right level of assistance to meet their personal goals.
The Mental Capacity Act (2005) is a key piece of legislation designed to empower and protect individuals aged 16 and over in England and Wales who may lack the capacity to make certain decisions for themselves.
This page provides key facts and statistics about learning disabilities, helping to highlight the number of people affected and the importance of creating inclusive communities where everyone can live a life of opportunity.
Engaging in nature-based activities and spending time outdoors significantly benefits people with learning disabilities. Providing access to outdoor environments is a simple and proven method for enhancing their wellbeing.
At Camphill Village Trust, safeguarding is at the heart of everything we do. It means protecting people’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It’s a shared responsibility that everyone has a part to play in, whether you’re a staff member, a volunteer, a family member, or part of the community.