
Meet Trevor

A Shared Lives story

All about Trevor…

Trevor is part of Shared Lives and enjoys day support on Monday’s with Shared Lives Carer, Sam. They do many interesting things together – walking, eating out, wet felt making, playing pool at the local pub and discussing books they have both read. Trevor really enjoys his days with Sam and has found this benefits his health and wellbeing, stating he feels part of a community.

Trevor from Shared Lives felting a stocking

Trevor has learnt a new skill of wet felting making a Christmas Stocking for his partner Sandy. The process of wet felting takes some weeks to develop the finished item. Trevor explains the project itself is all about being quiet, having a calming environment and being in the moment which helps him focus on his breathing. Trevor found the whole process very relaxing and enjoyable.

Trevor from Camphill Village Trust Shared Lives holding a stocking

Trevor’s Partner Sandy was able to join him and Sam in December for a wreath making session. Here is the beautiful wreath Sandy made!

Since joining Shared Lives, Trevor has benefitted from being able to speak to other members of the public about day-to-day occurrences like the weather, whereas before he would just keep his thoughts to himself, with lots of negative thoughts going round in his head.

Trevor and Sandy shared: “Shared Lives – a thank you… For the kindness, trust, respect that you give us. We value this totally. The organic ‘whole person approach’ is a winner; to be nurtured like plants, not re-programmed like machines. Free to be human. The interactions making us better people, we gain confidence, encouragement, hope, living in grace and gratitude. So glad we found you. Not having to go through the wilderness as outsiders. Instead, the warm glow of belonging. Once again, many thanks.”

More about Shared Lives
Meet Trevor