Safeguarding Adults Week 2024

Safeguarding Adults Week 2024

Working in Partnership

Safeguarding Week is a time for Trusts like ours to reflect on the importance of creating environments where everyone feels safe, valued, and empowered. At Camphill Village Trust, safeguarding is more than just a police, it’s a fundamental part of how we work together every day to support and protect each other.

People we support working together

Working together

For the people we support, safeguarding means having the opportunity to thrive in safe, nurturing environments where their voices are heard and respected. It’s about creating spaces where everyone feels secure to live their lives and explore opportunities without fear.

Collaboration and partnership play a vital role in safeguarding. We know that working together, sharing knowledge, experiences, and resources makes safeguarding stronger and more effective. That’s why we partner with families, staff, volunteers, and external organisations to ensure that safeguarding is embedded into every part of what we do.

A person we support working on a table

Safeguarding isn’t just about preventing harm; it’s about building trust, enabling independence, and celebrating the strengths and resilience of the people we support. By listening to lived experiences, co-producing resources, and constantly improving our practices, we aim to create a culture of safety that benefits everyone.

As we mark Safeguarding Week 2024, we’re proud of the work we do to make a difference.

Want to find out more?

Read Making safeguarding personal Understanding safeguarding
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