Community comes together through Botton Village Karate Club

Community comes together through Botton Village Karate Club

Botton Village Karate Club Update

Due to the new grading system introduced in January, the Botton Village Karate Club has continued to bolster its ranks and grow its members through its revised Kyu system introduced by Sensei Chris and Sensei Ian.

Following traditional training methods, the club is proud to take on students of variant abilities helping them to develop their self-discipline, self-esteem, confidence, concentration levels, co-ordination and physical fitness.

Sensie Christ said ‘Karate is a unique art, all students have different levels of co-ordination and physical ability. Their Karate skills are particular to them and the student is graded solely on what they can do as an individual.’

Botton Village karate club

The Camphill Village Dojo currently has 26 licensed students attending training sessions, which are now allocated into three groups of variant physical abilities to enable students to reach their full potential.

Group one was recently introduced to allow students who have limited movement to take part in the training, leading to 11 new students joining the group.

Group two is split into students progressing through the revised Kyu system which will see them obtaining medals, and students progressing through the system in Shotokan, the Kyu (rank) attaining a coloured belt, and then progressing to Group three, culminating in students working towards obtaining a black belt in the traditional Kyu Stystem. 

Sensie Chris said ‘With the varying level of abilities within the Camphill Dojo, a grading system has been devised, in order that students with limited mobility or movement, can still progress through a revised Kyu system.

The existence and continued success, of the Camphill Village Karate Dojo, is due solely to the enthusiasm and positive attitude of the students who attend. Over the past year we have seen individuals who have been unsure of their ability, struggling physically early on and finding it hard to concentrate. Through all this, those students persevered and overcame blocks to their training.

Well done to all those who attend and we hope you continue to progress and flourish as individuals and as a group as you head into your second year as a club.

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