A snowy day of festivities for Shared Lives

A snowy day of festivities for Shared Lives

Shared Lives and Stourbridge

On Sunday, Stourbridge Community and Shared Lives came together for their annual Christmas event.

Taking place at Ashfield Gardens, the gardens welcomed the Shared Lives Team, Shared Lives Carers and families, along with the people supported right across the community.

The setting made for a perfect Christmas social event, with a Christmas tree and decorations, a log burning fire, and plenty of mince pies and hot chocolate to warm up in the snowy weather! The animals were on top form too enjoying the attention from all the visitors and Nutmeg the cat also made an appearance.

Shared Lives team standing by goats in the snow

One Shared Lives Carer commented, ‘it was lovely for us all to meet up socially and always nice to meet the team. It was also a very thoughtful gesture to have Gluten free mince pies on hand too, very much appreciated!

The person who lives with them commented that it was a “truly homely Christmas celebration” and thanked all the team for putting on the event.

Jenny Cadman said, ‘it’s always so nice to host events for the community and to open the gardens to Shared Lives Carers and their families’.

Kate Morgan, Head of Service, added ‘the gardens offer such a beautiful setting for social events, and everyone loves to see the animals and enjoy at catch up by the fire.

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