
A Gift in Your Will

Gifts in Wills are transforming the lives of people with learning disabilities.

Why leave a gift in your Will? 

Currently, approximately half of the income that we raise through fundraising comes from gifts in Wills. 

These special gifts, left by our kind supporters, mean they are continuing to support people with learning disabilities after they’re gone and into the future. 

Gifts in Wills are truly amazing, because they mean we can do so much more for the people we support – giving them a life full of opportunities, a life with meaning, purpose, and full of achievement, a life filled with kindness and friendship. 

How your gift will help 

A gift in your Will, however, large or small, will have a huge impact in improving the lives of people with learning disabilities.  

Your gift will help us meet vital needs as they arise, quickly respond to unexpected challenges, and fund the delivery of new services and facilities so we can support even more people long into the future. 

Making your Will 

Making a Will is extremely important, because it lets you decide what happens to your money, property, and possessions after your death. 

Of course, it’s important to make sure that those closest to you are provided for first, but after your loved ones are taken care of, just two per cent your estate can have a huge impact upon our work. 

When writing your Will for the first time, or updating an existing Will, we’d recommend consulting a solicitor to ensure your wishes are correctly and clearly recorded. 

People often think that meeting with a solicitor will be a daunting, complicated and costly experience, but this really doesn’t have to be the case.   

We can help you make your Will for free, if you want to find out more, or if you have any questions about making a Will, please get in touch.

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Information you will need if you decide to include us in your Will  

To include a gift in your Will to Camphill Village Trust, you will need the following details:  

  • Registered charity name: The Camphill Village Trust Ltd 
  • Registered charity address: The Kingfisher Offices, 9 Saville Street, Malton YO17 7LL 
  • Our registered charity number: 232402 

What type of gifts can I leave in my Will?  

There are three main types of gifts you can choose:  

  1. Residuary Gift (a share of your estate) This can be a percentage of what is left after any debts are paid off and your loved ones have been provided for. It can be any percentage you like, for example a gift of 2% means your loved ones will receive 98%. The main benefit of this type of gift is the value is not eroded by inflation. 
  2. Pecuniary Gift (a fixed sum of money) You choose the amount you would like to leave but you may wish to review this every so often, as it may lose value over time due to inflation.  
  3. Specific Gift You can also choose to leave a particular item, such as a piece of jewellery, an antique or even a property. A gift like this should be named in your Will.  

Using the correct wording in your Will 

Residuary Gift 

I give (insert percentage) of my residuary estate to Camphill Village Trust, 9 Saville Street, Malton, YO17 7LL, registered charity number 232402, to be applied for its general purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Legacy Officer or other proper officer at Camphill Village Trust for the time being shall be a sufficient discharge of my executor(s) 

Pecuniary Gift or Specific Gift 

I give to Camphill Village Trust, 9 Saville Street, Malton, YO17 7LL, registered charity number 232402, the sum of (specify in words and figures) or (the item with detailed description) free of tax for its general charitable purposes and I declare that the receipt of the Legacy Officer or other proper officer at Camphill Village Trust for the time being shall be a sufficient discharge of my executor(s) 

If you wish your gift to be directed to a particular community, you should add the wording: 

Where possible my gift should be used for the benefit of (Community Name) or at the discretion of the Trustees of Camphill Village Trust if this is not possible. 

Letting us know… 

Your Will is a private document, and we fully respect that there’s no obligation to tell us if you’ve chosen to remember us in your Will.  

However, if you have decided to tell us, we really do appreciate it, because knowing about your gift can help us to plan for the future. It also means that we can thank you in our own special way, something which is very important to us.  

If you require further information, or have any questions about gifts in Wills

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A Gift in Your Will