Seven decades of impact
At Camphill Village Trust, we've been supporting people with learning and other disabilities since 1954. We work to give the people we support a life of opportunity. We focus on the ability of the person not the disability and ensure the support received is tailored to the individual.

The impact on our communities
We know that the people we support want good homes, support to be independent, access to jobs and meaningful activity that contributes to their community, to be equal to all and have significant relationships.
The work we do allows us to deliver a life of opportunity to the people we support, enabling them to thrive by giving purpose and meaning to their lives.
Harriet, The Grange: “I work in the Taurus Crafts gift shop... I love working there because I get to learn new things every day... It makes you feel happier and stronger knowing that you can be what you want to be.”

Sandra, Stourbridge: “I like Camphill Village Trust as I feel part of the community... I feel like people help and support me. I have a good life...I feel part of the community... It makes me feel good when I help outside.”
Oliver, Taurus Crafts: “I have had great support from staff at Taurus Crafts, and I have learnt a lot over the years I have been here.”

Our new strategy for impact
Our strategy is clear. We want to be leaders of the future – creating a dynamic opportunity to integrate social care with the proven benefits of nature and the environment by unlocking our potential to grow, develop and thrive. This is Green Care.
The need for Green Care
Over ten million adults in England receive social care and support. Total spending by local authorities rose sharply due to Covid, with learning disability support for working age adults costing around £5.5 billion annually. People with a disability frequently do not have a voice or control over their lives and are often seen as an amorphous group rather than as individuals.
Moreover, there is also a lack of funding, awareness and limited opportunity for people with learning disabilities to participate in meaningful activities daily to learn genuine life and vocational skills. This can lead to social isolation and a loss of independence.
Although a connection to nature has proven benefits for health and wellbeing, access to nature is not equitable for those with a learning disability. Furthermore, limited education and knowledge of nutrition and healthy lifestyles (often combined with a lack of access to fresh fruit and vegetables), has resulted in an increase in unhealthy eating patterns and obesity for people with a learning disability.

Green Care for a life of opportunity
We are committed to supporting nature in everyday life and the benefit of nature-based health promotion (the promotion of active interaction with nature such as gardening and conservation).
We recognise the importance of improving wellbeing by connecting to nature. This ethos runs throughout our Green Care Programmes - from being able to actively work outside in a social farm or garden, to participating in indoor nature-based art and crafts, where we work with natural materials or celebrate the changing seasons and landscapes.
Through our provision of our Green Care Programme, Camphill Village Trust contributes to the health, wellbeing and independence of people with a learning disability both at individual and community level.
“More people with learning and other disabilities having the opportunity and autonomy to live a more healthy, active and independent life.”

The impact our Green Care Programme has
Camphill Village Trust's Green Care Programme encourages the acquisition of life skills, leading to progression (whatever that may look like for each individual), to enable the people we support to lead a more independent life. This ultimately reduces the burden of health or social care by reducing reliance on statutory services, contributing to reduced costs to the medical and social care system.
Our Green Care Programme also produces secondary impacts by helping to address inequitable access to nature and fresh food for those with a learning disability, autism or complex needs, whilst encouraging more healthy and active lifestyles.
By offering Green Care, the impact we make and the support we offer has long-term benefits for the people we support on their physical and mental well-being and on our medical and social care system.
Our sustainability impact
Sustainability is at our core at Camphill Village Trust. From being able to actively work outside in our gardens and farms, to participating in indoor nature-based creative arts, where we work with natural materials or celebrate the changing seasons and landscapes, nature and sustainability is important to us.
Our sustainable impact doesn’t begin and end with our Green Care Programme.