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Community art projects celebrating 70 years

Our 70th anniversary is not just a milestone β€” it's a celebration of the people who make our communities vibrant and meaningful. It’s about honouring those who have lived and still live with us, contributed to our activities, and found purpose and joy within our communities.

As part of our celebrations, our communities are coming together to showcase their creativity and specialist skills through two inspiring arts projects that reflect the spirit, diversity, and unity of Camphill Village Trust.

Join us as we celebrate these incredible projects and the remarkable people who bring them to life. Together, we’re weaving the stories of our past, present, and futureβ€”one stitch, one leaf, and one tree at a time.

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Anniversary quilt: Weaving stories of our communities

In the true spirit of togetherness, each of our communities contributes to creating a stunning 200x200cm quilt. This isn’t just any quilt β€” it’s a patchwork of memories, skills, and love, where every square tells a story.

Each community will design and create their own squares, representing their uniqueness. Our talented community at Larchfield will then bring these squares together and carefully stitch them into one cohesive masterpiece. The quilt will serve as a vibrant tapestry of our 70 year journey, celebrating the diversity, creativity, and unity of our communities. It will be a lasting tribute to the shared experiences and connections that bind us together.

Hear the stories behind the patchwork...


Alex based her patchwork quilt square on her journey to the Craft workshop from her home at Larchfield and detailed some of the things she passes on her way. She drew the design, tacked the fabric and then her drawings were embroidered onto the square by staff using a free motion embroidery technique. Alex is also celebrating her 24th year of living at Larchfield! Steph chose to needlefelt our iconic Larchfield cow onto her square. Moreover, Chloe has used fabric paint for the square background and is adding applique 3D flowers made with a variety of different techniques, including stick weaving, to show Larchfield in bloom.


Our community in Stourbridge have been making good progress with their patchwork squares! Seven out of 10 squares are currently complete. These have been made in our craft group, people at Ashfield House and also from our community.


Botton Village

Botton Village community members have made a good start on the squares this week and people are choosing different techniques. Some are making a felt picture, then sewing it onto the square, some are using embroidery, sewing a picture and one gentleman has chosen to use fabric paints. The people we support have chosen different things they love about living at Botton, including pictures of friends, countryside, nature, wildlife, sheep. Tristan's artwork is looking great!


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Legacy of leaves: Growing together as one

Each of our communities will create a tree to come together as our very own orchard.

Our second project, 'Legacy of leaves', invites each community to create something truly magical β€” a five foot tree that represents their essence, values, and dreams. These trees will come together to make a woodland of individuality, creativity, and collaboration.

The people we support, alongside their peers, will design and craft these trees, drawing inspiration from themes such as recycling, sustainability, creativity, and craftsmanship. These trees will be adorned with handmade leaves, each bearing a special message or wish from the people we support. These leaves symbolise the deep connections and shared values that unite us.

This orchard of trees will come together in a grand display of unity and celebration at our AGM in November. It will not only mark 70 years of Camphill Village Trust but also highlight the enduring connections that make our communities so special.

See the orchard come to life...

Oaklands Park

Colin from Oaklands Park community has been busy weaving leaves to go on his community's tree with the help from Maddy who leads all craft workshops. She is extremely talented with weaving! They are also constructing their tree from plastic bottles to show our commitment to recycling and sustainability.


Our Stourbridge community have been busy handcrafting leaves. These ones shown are made out of air dry clay and some are then varnished, whilst others have been coated in epoxy resin. Special words have been added onto one of the leaves, such as 'community', 'belonging', 'friendship' and 'love', representing our community. They are looking so bright and colourful!

Botton Village

Our Botton Village community are progressing well with the 70 leaves. The people we support chose to make the leaves by needle felting them, some have been sewn over the top, some have beads on them, some have a bit of glittery Angelina fibre on them, depending on what people chose. Ros from Botton Village is creating a colourful collection of felt leaves!

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